AI in Higher Education and the future paradigm

The rapid evolution of AI technologies has catalysed transformational shifts in education. Administrators and planners are challenged to keep pace with these transformations and the future potential of new technologies.

Recent developments in deep learning algorithms have enabled more accurate predictive models and pattern recognition capabilities. These advancements facilitate breakthroughs in fields such as healthcare, where AI models predict disease outbreaks, and finance, where they enhance fraud detection systems. Natural Language Processing (NLP) has seen remarkable progress, with AI systems now capable of understanding and generating human language with unprecedented accuracy. This progress impacts areas such as automated translation, sentiment analysis, and chatbots, enhancing communication and information retrieval processes.

Ethical and societal implications of advancements in AI have become increasingly important for educators. Issues such as data privacy and algorithmic bias require ongoing scrutiny and balanced approaches to ensure AI benefits are maximised while minimising potential harm. 

Professor Swarup will explore how AI's frontier in research is marked by rapid advancements and expanding applications, promising significant improvements in various domains. This will consider how continued interdisciplinary collaboration and ethical vigilance are crucial in harnessing AI's full potential while addressing the challenges it poses in Higher Education.  

Wednesday 02 October 14:05 - 14:35 Leadership Summit: HE & TVET Stream


Add to calendar 10/02/2024 14:05 10/02/2024 14:35 AI in Higher Education and the future paradigm An exploration of the transformative potential of artificial intelligence, and the necessity for responsible innovation in educational governance teaching and methodology. Leadership Summit: HE & TVET Stream Asia/Shanghai


Professor Dr Anoop Swarup

Secretary General, Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP)