Since it was established in 2016, the Indonesian SPK School Association, or PSSI (Perkumpulan Sekolah SPK Indonesia), has continuously achieved its vision and mission. Having 458 school members from 34 provinces in Indonesia, PSSI's commitment is to voice its members' interests and actively participate in improving the quality of education in Indonesia.
As one of the youngest educational organizations in Indonesia, this organization has made a notable impact on Indonesia's education transformation journey. PSSI has carried out its role as a government partner in supporting programs and policies in the education sector, implementing policies and encouraging relevant programs.
About 10 executive members of this organization were involved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia in generating modules, delivering training and selecting candidates for national in-service teacher training that impacted 405.000 teachers from around Indonesia.
Strategic collaboration is also continuously established by the association with domestic and foreign organizations or business entities to support the organization's vision and mission through partnership programs. The partnership with Bett Asia is believed to be one of the great forces to amplify the impact within the regional network.