The great disruption: Future careers and skills
Our expert panel will discuss 3 key areas:
1. What are the critical skills we need to foster in our students to succeed beyond the classroom in the AI enabled future world of work?
2. What are the sectors and skills gaps in industry right now, and how is education and government policy responding?
3. How can schools and governments adapt their curriculum and assessment to reflect these continual changes?
This session is a must-attend for leaders and educators committed to understanding the broader implications of AI on careers and skills development.
Thursday 03 October 12:00 - 12:30 Leadership Summit: Plenary
Future skills and careers
EdTech, Schools, Early Years and SEND Specialist, Department of Business and Trade
Director of Educational Resources and Technology Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia
Co-Founder and CEO, Forward College
Campus Principal, Tenby Schools Penang