Dr Chan Chang Tik
Senior Lecturer and Coordinator, Academic Development, Education Excellence Unit, Monash University, Malaysia
Why are you looking forward to Bett Asia 2019?
To network with local and international peers, exchange and share ideas in order to push the frontier of knowledge.
Who/what do you want to see at Bett Asia 2019?
Educators and promotors of educational products
What should participants expect to hear in your session / what topics will you cover?
I shall focus on the barriers and supports in student’s learning, particularly, in the three areas mentioned below.
A. Student learning in informal spaces supported by:
a)Social Presence as in the Community of Inquiry Framework
ii.Open communication
iii.Group cohesion
iv.Interpersonal relationship
b)Collaborative learning
c)Socio-constructivist feedback
B. Student learning in a formal space supported by:
a)Oral presentation and intergroup discussions, debate and feedback
b)Lecturer to link learning activities to assignments
c)Lecturer to debrief and to sum-up
C. Student learning supported by:
- Web links
- Lecturer personal notes, journal articles, text and reference books, etc
- There will be notes on collaborative learning and socio-constructivist feedback, particularly, on the what, why and how.
Why do you think global collaboration is so important in education?
Learning does not take place in silo. We have to discuss and collaborate with our peers, locally and globally, to advance our knowledge. In collaboration, we argue, deliberate, debate and counter-propose ideas, all in the name of learning. In the modern world, global collaboration is made easy and fast with the Internet.
Who or what inspires you in education?
My inspiration in education comes from my students. They make me realise that my small contributions in educating them may play a significant role in their career and to a certain extent their life.
Why is Bett Asia so important for educational transformation in the region?
It is a platform for educators and others to exchange and share the latest educational innovations and ideas.
How does the world deal with the need for more teachers and new approaches to learning?
As active learning gains more prominent position in the 21st century education, both the Schools and students must realise the onus of learning is on the students. They must participate and engage in the learning activities prepared by the teachers and other sources. At present, we bring students to the industries as in work-integrated learning. Likewise, we can bring industries to the campus so that students can directly apply the knowledge gained. Therefore, the “teachers” in this scenario could be the industry players imparting their experiences, skills and knowledge to the students. As learning has become more informal and unstructured, the formal learning environments like classrooms will gradually be replaced by the informal ones which could be virtual and social.
Dr Chan Chang Tik, will be speaking on ‘Collaborative Learning in Informal Spaces: Barriers and Supports’
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